Logotipo Lecar
  lll Workshop de Resultados PELD-ILOC”
Entre os dias 19 e 20 de agosto ocorreu o lll Workshop de Resultados PELD-
ILOC. O Workshop contou com a presença online de mais de 50 espectadores
que puderam interagir com a equipe de pesquisadores que apresentaram os
resultados encontrados nos últimos 4 anos do projeto!
Encontro Recifal Brasileiro 2024
Entre 7 a 10 de maio aconteceu em Niterói-RJ o Encontro Recifal
Brasileiro (EReBra).
Projeto Costão Rochoso participa do Aloha, maior evento de surfe do mundo
O Projeto Costão Rochoso marcou presença em Saquarema - RJ para participar
das atividades de educação ambiental promovidas pela Prefeitura de Saquarema
e o Programa Bandeira Azul durante o Vivo Rio Pro.
Cine Costão: Conhecendo os polvos de águas rasas do Brasil
No dia 23 de julho, ocorreu no espaço do Chamos Hostel Cultural o Cine
Costão: "Conhecendo os polvos de águas rasas do Brasil", apresentado
pelo pesquisador e colaborador do projeto Renato Dantas.
"Mixed management boosts reef shark abundance"
A global survey using baited cameras on coral reefs demonstrates a
near twofold increase in the relative abundance of reef sharks in marine
protected areas.
Como garantir o futuro dos recifes brasileiros?
Ações regionais no contexto de impactos globais
Potential for recovery of declining reef sharks
Data on shark populations in coral reefs raise concern and hope for recovery
Brazil’s invasion of voracious lionfish has reached a worrisome phase
Ocean currents expected to help spread invasive predator farther south
Questões ecológicas importantes como a compreensão de grandes
mudanças na composição dos ecossistemas dependem de monitoramentos
em longo prazo. Até 2030, estaremos na Década do Oceano.
E como anda nosso entendimento sobre as mudanças em nossos ambientes
costeiros e marinhos?

Workshop Stakeholders Ilha da Trindade
Reportagem da UFF destaca importância do PELD-ILOC
no Monitoramento da Biodiversidade
Marinha das Ilhas Oceânicas Brasileiras.
(Agosto - 2022)
The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life
(Aquatic Noise 2022)
Cenários de múltiplos distúrbios (antrópicos e climáticos)
em ambientes costeiros: processos, gestão e
FAPERJ, Rio de Janeiro
Implementação de BRUVS no Arquipélago de São Pedro e
São Paulo para a estimativa de abundância de
predadores de topo (Agosto)
Pesquisadoras do LECAR participam do 49° Treinamento
Pré Arquipélago ( Maio/Junho de 2022)
Leilão de Petróleo Ameaça a Vida Marinha de Fernando
de Noronha e Atol das Rocas
New Paper: The feeding rate of reef fishes
New paper: A meta-analytic approach from the Southwestern
Atlantic Ocean (Brazil)

Ocorrência do Peixe Leão no Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha
The Brazilian Reef Meeting 2021 is coming
Monitoring Techniques Course in
Reef Environments (PELD ILOC)
Between April 13-16th the LECAR team joined
the ReefSYN meeting
LECAR members participate in the
6th international Marine Conservation Congress


Os controles biofísicos do crescimento de
macroalgas em recifes subtropicais



“Branqueamento de Corais:
Impactos na Biodiverdade Marinha”

Laboratórios Tropicais no Oceano Atlântico:
As pesquisas do monitoramento a longo prazo
nas ilhas oceânicas



Spatial distribution of sea turtles on a South Atlantic
subtropical rocky reef



I Workshop de Integração de Séries Temporais
de Ecossistemas Marinhos



Assessing captures of recreational spearfishing in Abrolhos reefs, Brazil,
through social media
Fernando de Noronha 2019

Trindade Island (20º 31' 30" S, 29º 19' 30'' W)



Entrevista com o biólogo Ronaldo Francini-Filho sobre leilão de petróleo
na região de Abrolhos



Mozambique expedition to the Bazaruto Archipelago and the Primeiras &
Segundas Archipelago

New publication:
The omnivorous triggerfish Melichthys niger is a functional herbivore on an
isolated Atlantic oceanic island
Marine Brazilian Actinopterygii Assessment Workshop
The Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) has been
conducting the second cycle of extinction assessment of the Brazilian fauna to
update the first survey completed in 2014.

I Marine Biology and Conservation Symposium - UFF



1st Seminar of the Marine and Fisheries Research Project



Fear-induced behavioural modifications in damselfishes can be diver- triggered


XXIII Brazilian Meeting of Ichthyology



I Marine Biology and Conservation Symposium - UFF



Diego R. Barneche & Sergio R. Floeter


Expeditions: Fernando de Noronha Archipelago
The sixth PELD ILOC (Long-Term Monitoring of the Brazilian Oceanic Islands)
expedition to Fernando de Noronha Archipelago took place between October
20th and 31st, 2018.
New publication:
Discordance between diet analysis and dietary macronutrient content
in four nominally herbivorous fishes from the Southwestern Atlantic
Expeditions: St Peter and St Paul Archipelago – 2018
The yearly Programa de Monitoramento de Longa Duração das Comunidades
Recifais das Ilhas Oceânicas Brasileiras (PELD-ILOC) expedition to St Peter and
St Paul’s Archipelago took place between 16th and 30th September.
4th PELD ILOC expedition to Trindade Island
After a 64-day expedition on the remote Trindade Island (1100 km east of
Vitória / ES), the members of LECAR, Cesar Cordeiro and Linda Eggertsen
returned to the continent accompanied by two researchers from UFSC
(Luisa Fagundes and Thais Macedo).

Work group for fishing management in St Peter and St Paul Archipelago

Priority marine areas for conservation in Brazil

IV ConMar



2nd RABECO & 6th SET





Determinants of reef fish assemblages in tropical Oceanic islands
Pole to Pole of the Americas

SISBIOTA team attended the 9th Brazilian Protected Areas Congress in
Florianópolis, SC (Brazil)


Large and remote marine protected areas in the South Atlantic Ocean are
flawed and raise concerns

LECAR team attending the 5th International Marine Conservation Congress

Rocas Atoll Marine Biological Reserve 2018

Scuba diving and sedentary fish watching: effects of photographer
approach on seahorse behavior areas on oceanic islands



Press release (Português)
Biodiversidade de peixes de recifes de corais no Brasil



Brazilian environmental agencies are working to create new marine
protected areas on oceanic islands
Public consultancies for discussion on the creation of new marine protected
areas (MPAs) on Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago, and Trindade and
Martim-Vaz islands will be performed in the next days.
Expeditions: Saint  Peter and Saint Paul Rocks 2017
On November 2017, a team of four scientists from Universidade Federal
Fluminense and BrBio NGO was gathered in a 15 days expedition to
conduct the annual monitoring of St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks.
Publications: Using an educational video-briefing to mitigate the ecological
impacts of scuba diving
A new paper from LECAR Lab is online in Journal of Sustainable Tourism.
Expeditions: Researchers from SISBIOTA research net just come back
from a two months expedition at Trindade Island
Between August 10th and October 20th/2017, took place the PELD ILOC
expedition to the most isolated Brazilian oceanic island.

Expeditions: Fernando de Noronha National Park
Researchers from LECAR and SISBIOTA research net go sampling in the
oceanic island of Fernando de Noronha as part of the long term
monitoring program of the Brazilian oceanic islands.



Spatial patterns of fish standing biomass across Brazilian reefs


Indo Pacific Fish Conference


Behaviour of recreational spearfishers and its impacts on corals
In a paper recently published in the journal Aquatic Conservation: Marine and
Freshwater Ecosystem, members of the LECAR team observed the behavior
of recreational spearfishers and compare the damage among scuba divers
and photographers.

Seaweed beds support more juvenile reef fish than seagrass beds in a
south-western Atlantic tropical seascape.




Genetic structure provides insights into the geographic origins
and temporal change in the invasive charru mussel
(Sururu) in the southeastern United States.



Expeditions: Rocas Atoll
Between last May and June took place the yearly expedition
of the PELD-ILOC (Long-Term Ecological Research
Program) to Rocas Atoll (03°50’S, 33°49’W).


Expeditions: ALUCIA ship to SPSPA (St Pauls Rocks) -
A team of fourteen scientists from Woods Whole Oceanographic Institution,
California Academy of Science, Universidade Federal Fluminense and
Universidade Federal da Paraíba are gathered in a 22 days expedition to
explore the unknown limits of the SPSPA in the ALUCIA vessel.
Expeditions: Bazaruto Archipelago
As part of her dissertation work, PhD candidate Linda Eggertsen led an
expedition to Bazaruto Archipelago in Mozambique during March-April.
The Bazaruto Archipelago is situated along the Dune Coast in Mozambique
and characterised by large sand dunes.
Cooperations: LECAR visit to AquaRio
Last wednesday, June 7, LECAR staff had made a technical visit to the
AquaRio. The aquarium was inaugurated in November of 2016; with
26,000 m2 of area and 4,5 million water litters, it is the biggest aquarium
of South America.
Publications: Rapid depletion of a large-sized grouper in Arraial do Cabo,
A recent paper published in Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation
investigated historical catches of the Atlantic Goliath grouper, Epinephelus
, through spearfishers’ knowledge.
Publications: Cleaning interactions at the only atoll in the South Atlantic
In this paper, we analyzed the cleaning interactions performed by fishes and
shrimps at the only atoll in the South Atlantic Ocean, Rocas atoll. Through
video and photos, we recorded 318 cleaning interactions in which six fishes
and two shrimps cleaned 21 bone fishes, one shark and one sea turtle.
Publications: Anchoring damages to benthic organisms in a
subtropical scuba dive hotspot

A new paper from LECAR team, published online this week in the
Journal of Coastal Conservation, assessed the damages caused
to benthic organisms by recreational diving boats anchoring activity
in Arraial do Cabo Marine Extractive Reserve.

Publications: Reef fish associations with sea urchins in an Atlantic
oceanic island

A paper published in Marine Biodiversity journal investigated the fishes
associated with the long-spined sea urchin Diadema antillarum in
Trindade Island, an oceanic island in southwestern Atlantic.


New project: ROCKY SHORE Subsides for the management plan
of marine protected area of Arraial do Cabo

The Reef Systems Ecology and Conservation Lab - LECAR has just earned a
grant from Fundo Brasileiro para Biodiversidade – FUNBIO to develop the
project: “ROCKY SHORE – Subsidies for the management plan of the
Arraial do Cabo Marine Extractive Reserve (ACMER).

Meetings – Long term monitoring on the Brazilian oceanic islands
At the first week of December of this year researchers, managers and the
Navy had gathered in a workshop in Rio Grande do Norte University (UFRN),
northeastern Brazilian coast, to discuss about research goals and the
long term monitoring program on the Brazilian oceanic islands - PELD.




Brazilian Oceanic Long Term Monitoring Program is Renewed
The Brazilian Marine Biodiversity Network - SISBIOTA Mar has just
renewed the Long-Term Biodiversity Monitoring Program on Brazilian
Oceanic Islands (PELD – ILOC) for another four years.



Expeditions: Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo - 2016
The yearly Programa de Monitoramento de Longa Duração das
ComunidadesRecifais de Ilhas Oceanicas (PELD) and BioprospecMar
expedition to St Peter and St Paul’s Archipelago took place between
September 21st and October 11th.


Expeditions: Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha - 2016
Between 13/10 and 20/10/2016, SISBIOTA - Mar members, Carlos
Ferreira (UFF), Barbara Segal (UFSC), Ana Grillo (ICMBio), Guilherme
Longo (UFRN), Linda Eggertsen (UFRJ), Moysés C. Barbosa (UFF)
and Bianca Del Bianco (USP), participated in one more monitoring
expedition to Fernando de Noronha Archipelago.
Expeditions: Trindade Island - 2016
Trindade Island, one of the most interesting geological and
ecological Brazilian patrimony , also included in the named
“Blue Amazon”, had been visited by scientists from LECAR-UFF
(Matheus Pacheco) and LBMM-UFSC (Anderson A. Batista)
on June, 2016.

Events: 13th International Coral Reef Symposium
This year’s 13th International Coral Reef Symposium convened
scientists, policy makers, and practitioners from all over the world in the
beautiful Hawaiian Islands.


Video: Using an educational video-briefing to mitigate
the impacts of the recreational diving

A research conducted in the Arraial do Cabo Marine Extrative Reserve,
a sustainable use marine protected area in the eastern Brazil, tested
the use of a video-briefing as an educative tool to mitigate the impacts of
recreational diving in marginal reefs. The video is available below.

Expedition: Abrolhos Reef Complex
(between 17°20’– 18°00’ S and 38°30’–39°30’ W)

During 2-7 May, members of LECAR, USP and Conservation
International organized an expedition to the Abrolhos reef complex.



Expedition: Archipelago of Alcatrazes
Between 28/02/2016 and 04/03/2016, members of LECAR participated in
an expedition to Archipelago of Alcatrazes  (24°6’8”S & 45°41’37”W),
São Paulo, Brazil.


Expeditions: Moçambique
Members of LECAR are just finished an expedition and sampling on
Bazaruto Archipelago. The Bazaruto Archipelago is located in Southern
Mozambique and consists of several islands along a large bay of shallow
sand banks and extensive seagrass beds.
Publications: Spatial distribution of herbivorous fishes on a Brazilian
upwelling region

A recent paper published in Journal of Fish Biology investigated the effects of
temperature and wave exposure gradients associated with the variation in
spatial patterns of reef fishes at an upwelling region of Cabo Frio.
Halfway gone: endemic gorgonian Phyllogorgia dilatata is going bad on
subtropical reef of the southeastern coast of Brazil

A study recently published in the Marine Pollution Bulletin describes the declined
abundance and poor health state of the gorgonian Phyllogorgia dilatata at
Arraial do Cabo, southeastern Brazil.
Expeditions: Archipelago of Saint Paul's Rocks  - 2015
In October 2015, we began another expedition PELD/ProspecMar. This time
the destination was the St. Peter and St.Paul’s Archipelago (St Paul´s rocks),
a small group of five islets and rocks (total emerged area ~15,000 m2) located
in the central equatorial Atlantic Ocean.
Expeditions: Trindade Island
Another PROSPECMAR/PELD (SISBIOTAmar net research cooperation)
expedition has been just accomplished to the Brazilian oceanic islands.
At this time our team went to Trindade Island, an inactive volcanic hotspot in the
middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
Expeditions: Ascension Islands
Scientists from SISBIOTA MAR net in Brazil and
California Academy of Sciences recently joined forces to study the
fish fauna of Ascension Island.
Events: Evolution Meeting 2015
From June 26-30 of 2015, Evolution meeting just came along at town of Guarujá,
Southeastern Brazilian coast. This event is an annual meeting of the Society for
the Study of Evolution (SSE), the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB),
and the American Society of Naturalists (ASN), being this particular one
supported by some Brazilian agencies (CNPq, Capes, Fapesp and SBG).
Expedition: Atol das Rocas
The expedition to the only atoll in the South Atlantic took place during May
and June 2015, and consisted of SISBIOTA team Bianca Del B. Sahm
(LECAR-UFF) and Luisa Fontoura (LBMM-UFSC).
Scientists unravel secrets of marine life at the only atoll in
South Atlantic: Rocas Atoll, Brazil

The Southern Atlantic Ocean harbors unique and relatively
understudied reef systems compared to the Caribbean and
Pacific Ocean reefs. Among these ecosystems, laying around
130 nautical miles from the Northeastern coast of Brazil is
Rocas Atoll, the only atoll in the entire Southern Atlantic.
5th CBBM - Brazilian Marine Biology Congress
Every two years since 2009, Brazilian marine biologists attend the
CBBM in different locations of the coast to discuss and exchange
ideas about marine biology.
First invasive lionfish discovered in the southeastern Brazilian coast
Scientists call for urgent control measures to protect coral reefs from
fast-moving, destructive invasion.

Cooperations: Stockholm University, Sweden
Professor Nils Kautsky (Stockholm University, Sweden) and Dr. Charlotte
Berkström (Stockholm University, Sweden) visited LECAR in March.



Events: XXI Brazilian Meeting of Ichthyology
Every two years, the Brazilian Ichthyology Society (SBI) organizes the
Brazilian Meeting of Ichthyology (In Portuguese: Encontro Brasileiro de
Ictiologia). This year, the twenty-first meeting took place in Recife, capital of
Pernambuco, between the 01st and 6th of February.
Courses: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation of Reef Fishes
Between the days 26th and 31st of January 2015, happened in Tamandaré,
Recife the “Ecology, Evolution and Conservation of Reef Fishes” course.
Being responsible for the course Dr. Carlos E. L. Ferreira (UFF), Dr. Sérgio
R. Floeter (UFSC) and Dra. Beatrice Padovani (UFPE).
Connections: Integrative Behavioural Ecology Lab (CIBIO, Portugal)
In collaboration with LECAR, headed out in to the Arraial do Cabo, RJ, Brazil.
During two months, the CIBIO lab team from Portugal (Pauline
Narvaez, Miguel Furtado and Marta Reis under upervision
sof Marta Soares) developed intense field work.
It is not a fishermen tale -
The decline of fish species in Arraial do Cabo, southeast Brazil

A study recently published in PLoS One journal reveals the decline
of important fish stocks in Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro state,
Brazil. Arraial do Cabo is a typical fishing community established for
decades essentially around the artisanal fishing activity.
Expeditions: Archipelago of Saint Paul's Rocks  
Laying in the middle of the ocean, as a tip of the Atlantic Middle-ridge is
the São Pedro e São Paulo Archipelago.
The LECAR team composed by the researchers Cesar Cordeiro and
Moyses Cavichioli sailed on the 1st day of 2015 heading to this far away
paradise. The trip until the Archipelago lasted 86h onboard the fishery
boat Transmar III.