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Every two years, the Brazilian Ichthyology Society (SBI) organizes the Brazilian Meeting of Ichthyology (In Portuguese:
Encontro Brasileiro de Ictiologia). This year, the twenty-first meeting took place in Recife, capital of Pernambuco,
between the 01st and 6th of February, and was supported in the organization by the Universidade Federal de
Pernambuco (UFRPE).

In this edition, the objective was to discuss the main topics of general interest for ichthyological community, such as
ecology and biology, genetics and conservation, fishing and fish farming, introduction of species, connectivity,
hydropower, migration, among others. Within the great issues of today, such as global warming, population growth
and globalization of the economy, aquatic environments are among those who are under permanent and continuing
threat loss and modification of habitats, changes in community structure, species extinction, etc. Thus, it is required
a constant update, discussion and dissemination of new knowledge, aimed at minimizing these impacts and
ensure the extraordinary ichthyodiversity maintenance of our country.

This XXI meeting counted with the participation of about 1300 subscribers, approximately 150 speakers, of which
about 45 come Universities outside Brazil. Names likes Laurent Dagorn (IRD), Emili Garcia-Berthou (University of
Girona, Spain), Luiz A. Rocha (California Academy of Science), Frederic Menard (IRD), Howard Choat (James Cook
University - Australia), Julian Olden (Univ Washington), Kendall Clements (University of Auckland - New Zealand)
Michel Kulbicki (Institut de Recherche Pour le developpment - France) were part of the portfolio of foreign speakers,
further raising the scientific level already associated with this event. LECAR students have contributed with five oral
presentations and the leader, Carlos Ferreira talk on mini-course and workshop about ecology, evolution and
conservation of reef fishes.

Hoping that all participants have learned and grown at various levels with all the symposia, workshops,
conferences, lectures and round tables available this year, everyone will be welcome again to the XXII Meeting of the
Brazilian Ichthyology to be held in 2017 in Porto Seguro, Bahia.

“There are three principal means of acquiring knowledge... observation of nature, reflection, and experimentation.
Observation collects facts; reflection combines them; experimentation verifies the result of that combination.” –
Denis Diderot.

Written by: Rossana Freitas