Events: Evolution Meeting 2015
From June 26-30 of 2015, Evolution meeting ( just came along at town of Guarujá,
Southeastern Brazilian coast. This event is an annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), the
Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB), and the American Society of Naturalists (ASN), being this particular one
supported by some Brazilian agencies (CNPq, Capes, Fapesp and SBG). Emotions began with the expectation of it
first occurrence in Brazil and became real in the opening presentation pointing out that Copernicus made the Earth
just another planet and Darwin made man just another Animal. Already impressive by its scope, the event
addressed different topics for all kind of interest in science, from evolution, ecology and behavior. It was attended by
about 1,500 participants, with several oral and poster presentations. The themes of these presentations were quite
distinct, as microorganisms, vertebrates, insects, methods of phylogeny, phylogeography, phylogenetic, among
others. You would easily find yourself leaving a presentation on snakes’ diversity to get into another talking about
diversification of car models using macroevolutionary methods. Many social activities helped on the interactions,
including an opening reception, coffee breaks, dinner in each evening poster session, and a super social with
award ceremony on the last night of the conference. People from SISBIOTA (, including
LBMM ( ) and LECAR ( enjoyed the event and parallel discussions.
After memorable days, the location of the next meeting was announced – this will be next year, 2016, in Austin USA.
The Evolution conference is such a conference that any one working with ecology and systematic, but any aspect of
biogeography, macroecology and evolution, will consider the best and never forget. |