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SISBIOTA Mar meeting during the 5th CBBM.



Every two years since 2009, Brazilian marine biologists attend the CBBM in different locations of the coast to
discuss and exchange ideas about marine biology. This meeting has become the most important forum for
researchers working in any field of marine sciences in Brazil. The last one, held in May in Porto de Galinhas, off the
coast of Pernambuco State (http://www.abbm.net.br /cbbm2015/), brought up to 1300 participants. Every meeting is
enriched with the presence of a dozen of foreigners, distinguished marine scientists, to show their research and
results, thus giving the opportunity to students and other scientists to interact with them. About 8 international
scientists from Canada, Australia, USA and Italy presented plenary conferences every day of the 5th CBBM, with
subjects ranging from deep sea to patterns of global marine biodiversity and fisheries management. The National
Congress of Marine Biology has also been hosting the meeting of the SISBIOTA Mar net research
(http://www.sisbiota. ufsc. br/). At this point, it is being discussed the results of two ongoing projects, PELD (Long
Term Monitoring Program of Brazilian Oceanic Islands) and Prospecmar ( Brazilian Biodiversity and Biotechnology
Research Net). These large scale, multi-institutional projects aim to analyze temporal biodiversity dynamics, and
also understand how the chemical structure of marine organisms shape patterns of reef communities and species
interactions. Data on genetic connectivity and evolutionary history of fish and invertebrates are also one of the major
focus. Researchers and graduate students from all states along the coast are part of these projects funded by
CNPq (Brazilian National Research Council) and FAPERJ (Research Foundation of Rio de Janeiro).

Participants enjoying the tropical environment of Porto de Galinhas in Pernambuco State.
From left to right, Sergio Floeter, Camilo Mora, Carlos Ferreira, Derek Tittensor and Renato Morais.