IntegraMAR - Rede de Pesquisa Integrada em Biodiversidade, Impactos, Serviços, Gestão e Conservação Marinha
Tracing the past, capturing the present: assessment of the conservation
status of shallow and mesophotic reefs through complementary approaches
ONDA ILOC - Observadores da Natureza para o Desenvolvimento Ambiental das Ilhas Oceânicas
ReefSyn - Recifes Brasileiros no Antropoceno: Estimando os Impactos da Perda da Biodiversidade sobre o
Funcionamento e Serviços Ecossistêmicos para Aperfeiçoar o Manejo Futuro e a Subsistência
Publicação apresenta resultados de projeto que desenvolve sínteses sobre a biodiversidade e serviços de ecossistemas recifais brasileiros
Projeto Costão Rochoso
Projeto Costão Rochoso
Long term monitoring program of reef communities in Brazilian oceanic islands (2016 – 2020)
MCTI/CNPq/FAPs - Programa de Pesquisa Ecológica de Longa Duração - PELD
Latitudinal trends on function, demographic structure and nutritional ecology of herbivorous fishes along Brazilian coast
CNPq Nº 71‐2013 – Fellow Special Visitor Researcher
Recreational diving in a multiple use marine protected area: effects on benthic organisms and video-briefing as an
educational tool to mitigate impacts
FAPERJ, Rio de Janeiro State Research Foundation (2014-2015)
Functional role of herbivory: importance on conservation of reef areas (2012 – 2014)
Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Preservarion
SISBIOTA-Mar: National research net for marine biodiversity (2011 – 2014)
CNPq, Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology
Patterns of Reef Fish Trophic Structure and Plasticity (2010 - 2013)
CNPq, Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology FAPERJ, Rio de Janeiro State Research Foundation
Dynamics and ecology of invasive corals (2009 - 2011)
Monitoring the reef communities of Coral Reserve (Búzios-RJ) (2011 – 2012)
Coral Búzios Environmental Agency | Coral Vivo Project
Patterns of Connectivity in Marine Populations of the St Peter and St Paul’s Archipelago (2009 – 2011)
CNPq, Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology
Reef Communities Structure of the Santa Luzia Non-Take Natural Reserve (2008- 2009)
CNPq, Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology
Patterns of connectivity in marine populations: The Brazilian coast as a model for reserves network design (2011 - 2014)
CNPq Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology | CENOSYS - FURG workgroup | Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Preservarion