Logotipo Lecar

I have a BSc degree in biology, with emphasis on marine biology, from University Federal
Fluminense (UFF). During my education, I have been studying coral ecology and
participated in two projects within this subject. The first one, which was my Bachelor thesis,
investigated the effects of two epibionts (the macroalgae Sargassum furcatum and the
barnacle Ceratoconcha floridana) on the massive coral Siderastrea stellata in the Natural
Park of Coral from Armação dos Búzios . In the Park, I participated in the monitoring
program of local coral species performed by the NGO Coral Vivo.

In the second project, which is in progress, I am assisting MSc student Gabriel Erni
Cassola with his master thesis monitoring the coral Phyllogorgia dilatata in Arraial do Cabo.

email: matheuscpacheco@gmail.com | lattes curriculum