Logotipo Lecar



I am a biologist from the Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro –
UNIRIO (2014) with a MSc in Ecology from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
do Norte – UFRN (2017). My undergraduate studies were focused on the taxonomy,
systematics and trophic ecology of marine mollusks (mainly gastropods and
scaphopods) and, during the master degree, I started working with cephalopods. I
used the tropical species Octopus insularis as a model to perform a comparison of
methods for diet analysis. Furthermore, I evaluated the trophic interactions and
position of this octopus species in the food web of the Rocas Atoll Biological Reserve
through stable isotope analysis.

Currently, I am a PhD student in Ecology at the Universidade Federal de Santa
Catarina – UFSC. My research deals with the population ecology of coastal octopus
(Octopus americanus) and squid (Doryteuthis pleii) and their respective artisanal
fisheries’ local ecological knowledge at the Arraial do Cabo Marine Extractive

My main interests are marine food webs, fisheries, climate change, conservation and
human ecology.


email: renato.dantas@posgrad.ufsc.br / renato.biomar@gmail.com | lattes curriculum