Logotipo Lecar


I’am a marine biologist from Universidade Federal Fluminense (2020). During my
graduation I investigated how interspecific nuclear-follower interactions occur between reef
fish in the only atoll in the South Atlantic, the Rocas Atoll. In this work I used part of the data
provided by the Long Term Ecological Monitoring Program in the Ocean Islands (PELD

Currently, I’m an MSc student in marine ecology at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
(UFRJ). And I am looking to apply a holistic and ecosystemic vision for the Island of
Trindade by accessing the status of the ecosystem and its resilience. For this, I use the
methodology of the Integrated Ecosystems Assessments to identify risks to Atlantic Ocean
ecosystems (IEA), also used by Mission Atlantic (https://missionatlantic.eu/) and ODEMM
(https://odemm.com/). My goal is Assess ecosystem status and resilience of Trindade
Island, to the cumulative impact of food provision, climate regulation and cultural services.




E-mail: mayravelloso@id.uff.br | lattes curriculum