Logotipo Lecar


I am a bachelor in Biological Sciences from the Universidade Federal do Rio de
Janeiro (UFRJ)
. My experience as undergrad includes 4 years at the laboratory of
Cnidaria - UFRJ,participating in several works focusing on corals that occur at the
coast of Brazil. Asgraduated in Biological Sciences, I had a large experience
teaching biology to students from different ages. Still as undergrad (2014-2015),
I went in exchange program fo one year, where I studied biology at the University of
Pisa - Italy.

In 2017, I started my master’s degree in ecology at the UFRJ. My project focuses on a
comparative study of the nutritional ecology and feeding behavior of the three species of
surgeonfishes, abundant along the Brazilian coast.


Zilberberg C, Peluso L, Marques JA, Cunha H. (2014). Polymorphic Microsatellite Loci for
Endemic Mussismilia Corals (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) of the Southwest Atlantic Ocean.
Journal of Heredity 105: 572-575. PDF

E-mail: jessicamarquesbr@hotmail.com | lattes curriculum